GPU Gems 3 Chapter 'LCP Algorithms for Collision Detection Using CUDA'
P. Kipfer
GPU Gems 3 [BibTex]
In this chapter, we use CUDA to accelerate convex collision detection, and
we study a parallel implementation of Lemke's algorithm (also called
the complementary pivot algorithm) for the linear complementarity
problem (LCP). Important LCP applications are linear and quadratic
programming, two-person games, boundary-value problems, and the
determination of the convex hull of points in a plane.
Realistic and Interactive Simulation of Rivers
P. Kipfer, R. Westermann
Graphics Interface 2006 [BibTex]
In this paper we present interactive techniques for physics-based simulation
and realistic rendering of rivers using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. We
describe the design and implementation of a grid-less data structure to
efficiently determine particles in close proximity and to resolve particle
collisions. Based on this data structure, an efficient method to extract
and display the fluid free surface from elongated particle structures as
they are generated in particle based fluid simulation is presented.
The proposed method is far faster than the Marching Cubes approach, and it
constructs an explicit surface representation that is well suited for
rendering. The surface extraction can be implemented on the GPU and only
takes a fraction of the simulation
time step. It is thus amenable to real-time scenarios like computer games and
virtual reality environments.
GPU Construction and Transparent Rendering of Iso-Surfaces
P. Kipfer, R. Westermann
Vision, Modelling and Visualization 2005 [BibTex]
In this paper, we present a novel
edge-based approach that avoids redundant computations of edge-surface
intersections. We show how to achieve a significant performance gain by
considering intrinsic features of recent GPUs. The iso-surface extraction
process is re-formulated in a way that reduces both numerical computations
and memory access operations. A span-space data structure allows us to avoid
the processing of elements not intersected by the selected surface.
Finally, to allow for the rendering of transparent surfaces, a GPU sorting
routine is integrated into the rendering pass. Our applications show
numerical simulation results, distance volumes and advanced shading effects.
GPU Gems 2 Chapter 'Improved GPU Sorting'
P. Kipfer, R. Westermann
GPU Gems 2 [BibTex]
Sorting is one of the most important algorithmic building blocks in
computer science. Being able to efficiently sort large amounts of data is
a critical operation. Although implementing sorting algorithms on the CPU
is relatively straightforward - mostly a matter of choosing a particular
sorting algorithm to use - sorting on the GPU is less easily implemented
because the GPU is effectively a highly parallel SIMD architecture. Given
that the GPU can outperform the CPU both for memory-bound and compute-bound
algorithms, finding ways to sort efficiently on the GPU is important.
Furthermore, because reading back data from the GPU to the CPU to perform
operations such as sorting is inefficient, sorting the data on the GPU
is preferable.
UberFlow: A GPU-Based Particle Engine
P. Kipfer, M. Segal, R. Westermann
Graphics Hardware 2004 [BibTex]
We present a system for real-time animation and rendering of large particle
sets using GPU computation and {\it memory objects} in OpenGL. Memory
objects can be used both as containers for geometry data stored on the
graphics card and as render targets, providing an effective means for the
manipulation and rendering of particle data on the GPU.
To fully take advantage of this mechanism, efficient GPU realizations of
algorithms used to perform particle manipulation are essential. Our system
implements a versatile particle engine, including inter-particle collisions
and visibility sorting. By combining memory objects with floating-point
fragment programs, we have implemented a particle engine that entirely
avoids the transfer of particle data at run-time. Our system can be seen as
a forerunner of a new class of graphics algorithms, exploiting memory
objects or similar concepts on upcoming graphics hardware to avoid bus
bandwidth becoming the major performance bottleneck.
Local Exact Particle Tracing on Unstructured Grids
P. Kipfer, F. Reck, G. Greiner
Computer Graphics Forum 2003 [BibTex]
For interactive exploration of large data sets, a very efficient and
reliable particle tracing method is needed. For data on unstructured
grids and data sizes, as they appear in simulations of wind channel
experiments or flight simulations, the traditional approach, based on
numerical integration methods of ordinary differential equations does not
allow sufficiently accurate path calculation at the speed required for
interactive use.
In this paper we extend the local exact approach of Nielson and Jung in
such a way that it can be used for interactive particle tracing in large
data sets of steady flow simulation experiments. This will be achieved
by sophisticated preprocessing using additional memory. For further
visual enhancement of the streamline we construct an implicitly defined
smooth Bézier curve that is used for ray tracing.
GRIDLIB: A Parallel, Object-oriented Framework for Hierarchical-hybrid Grid Structures in Technical Simulation and Scientific Visualization
P. Kipfer, F. Hülsemann, S. Meinlschmidt, B. Bergen, G. Greiner, U. Rüde
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering
This paper presents the gridlib software framework for integrated
simulation and visualization. It provides modern object-oriented
programming methods for supercomputer applications. While allowing the
reuse of existing simulation codes, it enables writing new applications
using advanced programming techniques. In this paper, we also present the
concept of hierarchical hybrid grids as an efficient and flexible grid data
structure for large scale computations. The resulting enormous amounts of
data of nowadays applications can be visualized directly on the
supercomputer as an integrated part of the whole simulation cycle,
avoiding the typical bottleneck of supercomputers: external communication
Parallel Rendering within the Integrated Simulation and Visualization Framework GRIDLIB
P. Kipfer, G. Greiner
Vision, Modelling and Visualization 2001
Over the last years, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) research has
developed several advanced numeric methods for simulating fluid
transport. The models being used have grown considerably in size and so
have the computed results. Computer graphics research has developed
efficient methods for visualization and rendering, to create images of
the computed result that contain significant information. The whole
process of using CFD methods in engineering however involves many
iterations through the model-simulation-visualization cycle. When using
reasonably detailed models, the whole cycle suffers from delays produced
by the necessary data conversion and data transport. We have developed a
solution to this problem by designing an object-oriented framework for
integrating simulation and visualization. Computation routines are free
to use the provided grid management interface or can be integrated on a
binary level by specifying the expected memory layout to the framework.
Both simulation and visualization algorithms can be run on the parallel
computer. The rendering subsystem therefore has access to the full grid
resolution to produce images of high visual quality.
Interactive Visualization of Flows using LIC and Video Streaming Techniques
P. Kipfer, G. Greiner
Vision, Modelling and Visualization 2000
For the visualization of subtle structures in vector fields, the line
integral convolution (LIC) method has proven to be of great value. When
trying to display 3D LIC volumes of flow fields, the possibility of
comprehensive and convenient interactive exploration of the volume
becomes a crucial point, because of the amount of information present in
the volume. Previous work has shown how to efficiently make use of 3D
texture rendering techniques to enable interactivity. Based on this
approach, we present a stream-oriented solution to animated 3D LIC
volumes, integrating stationary and non-stationary flow simulations. We
further show how particle transport is integrated in order to enhance the
spatial understanding and produce animations that also show the absolute
value and the sign of velocity in the flow field. Our approach is
flexible enough to support multiple implementations and makes efficient
use of available hardware. It integrates nicely with other approaches to
enhance the visual quality.
Transparent Distributed Processing for Rendering
P. Kipfer, Ph. Slusallek
Parallel Visualization and Graphics 1999
Rendering, in particular the computation of global illumination,
uses computationally very demanding algorithms. As a consequence
many researchers have looked into speeding up the computation by
distributing it over a number of computational units. However, in
almost all cases did they completely redesign the relevant
algorithms in order to achieve high efficiency for the particular
distributed or parallel environment.
In this paper we present a top-down approach for designing
distributed applications based on their existing object-oriented
decomposition. Distribution logic, in our case based on the CORBA
middleware standard, is introduced transparently to the existing
application logic. The design approach is demonstrated using
several examples of multi-pass global illumination computation and
ray-tracing. The results show that a good speedup can usually be
obtained even with minimal intervention into existing applications.
Papers co-authored
A Particle System for Interactive Visualization of 3D Flows
J. Krüger, P. Kipfer, P. Kondratieva, R. Westermann
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics [BibTex]
We present a particle system for interactive visualization
of steady 3D flow fields on uniform grids. For the
amount of particles we target, particle integration needs to be
accelerated and the transfer of these sets for rendering must
be avoided. To fulfill these requirements, we exploit features of
recent graphics accelerators to advect particles in the graphics
processing unit (GPU), saving particle positions in graphics
memory, and then sending these positions through the GPU
again to obtain images in the frame buffer. This approach allows
for interactive streaming and rendering of millions of particles,
and it enables virtual exploration of high resolution fields in a
way similar to real-world experiments. The ability to display the
dynamics of large particle sets using visualization options like
shaded points or oriented texture splats provides an effective
means for visual flow analysis that is far beyond existing solutions.
For each particle, flow quantities like vorticity magnitude and λ2
are computed and displayed. Built upon a previously published
GPU implementation of a sorting network, visibility sorting of
transparent particles is implemented. To provide additional visual
cues, the GPU constructs and displays visualization geometry like
particle lines and stream ribbons.
Numerical Simulations on PC Graphics Hardware
J. Krüger, T.Schiwietz, P. Kipfer and R. Westermann
Parsim 2004 [BibTex]
On recent PC graphics cards, fully programmable parallel
geometry and pixel units are available providing powerful instruction
sets to perform arithmetic and logical operations. In addition to computational
functionality, pixel (fragment) units also provide an efficient
memory interface to local graphics data. In this paper, we will
demonstrate the benefits of commodity graphics hardware for the parallel
implementation of general techniques of numerical computing.
Client-Server-Visualisierung zwischen Supercomputer und PC mit GRIDLIB
S. Meinlschmidt, P. Kipfer, U. Labsik, G. Greiner
Simulation und Visualisierung 2003
GRIDLIB: Flexible and Efficient Grid Management for Simulation and Visualization
F. Hülsemann, P. Kipfer, U. Rüde, G. Greiner
ICCS 2002
This paper describes the gridlib project, a unified grid
management framework for simulation and visualization. Both, adaptive
PDE-solvers and interactive visualization toolkits, have to manage
dynamic grids. The gridlib meets the similar but not identical
demands on grid management from the two sides, visualization and
simulation. One immediate advantage of working of working on a common
grid is the fact that visualization has direct access to the
simulation results, which eliminates the need for any form of data
conversion. Furthermore, the gridlib provides support for
unstructured grids, the re-use of existing solvers, the appropriate
use of hardware in the visualization pipeline, grid adaptation and
hierarchical hybrid grids. The present paper shows how these features
have been included in the gridlib design to combine run-time
efficiency with the flexibility necessary to ensure wide
applicability. The functionality provided the gridlib helps to
speed up program development for simulation and visualization alike.
Progressive Isosurface Extraction from Tetrahedral Meshes
U. Labsik, S. Meinlschmidt, P. Kipfer, G. Greiner
Pacific Graphics 2001
In this paper we present techniques for transforming a tetrahedral mesh
into a progressive representation based on half edge collapses. This
allows the efficient transmission of the mesh from a remote computer
where the simulation was computed to a visualization computer. During
the transmission the user can start visualizing while the transmission
is still in progress. We show a technique for progressively extracting
isosurfaces from the progressive mesh. Starting with the base mesh an
isosurface for a specific value is computed and will locally be
improved where a vertex is inserted to the mesh.
My Theses
Distribution and Parallelization Strategies for Integrated Simulation, Visualization and Rendering Systems
P. Kipfer
PhD Thesis
This thesis examines several principal strategies for handling distribution and parallelization.
A classication is worked out to demarcate the areas of application. Using
these strategies, a library for integrated simulation, visualization and rendering on supercomputers
and desktop systems is implemented. It offers a clear separation of functionality
by employing several abstraction levels to the programmer. Therefore, this
thesis presents a substantial contribution to scientic computing to cope with grandchallenge
problems. It supplies the enabling key technology for efcient post-processing
for visualization and rendering on the supercomputer.
Verteilte Beleuchtungssimulation mit CORBA
P. Kipfer
Diplomarbeit: Struktur des verteilten Vision-Systems
Talks, Presentations and Technical Reports
An Object Oriented Approach for High Performance Simulation and Visualization on Adaptive Hybrid Grids
First SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
23.11.2000, Washington
Distributed Lighting and Rendering on Shared-memory Multiprocessor Machines
SCI Institute, School of Computing, University of Utah
gridlib: Advanced object-oriented programming paradigms
P. Kipfer
report 4/01: for internal use only
gridlib: Numerical Methods
P. Kipfer
report 2/01: for internal use only
Visualizing the Structure and Quality Properties of Tetrahedral Meshes
U. Labsik, P. Kipfer, G. Greiner
report 2/00
gridlib: System Design
P. Kipfer
report 4/00: for internal use only
Distributed Lighting Networks [paper]
P. Kipfer
report 3/99: A case study of application-oriented distribution
patterns on the Vision system